Thursday, May 22, 2014

H1Z1:Zombie MMO

H1Z1 is a Zombie Survival MMO being released by Sony on the PS4 & PC systems. I don't know much about the game not many people do besides Sony Online Entertainment which I am going to refer to as SOE from now on. I'm just gonna talk about my hopes for the game and what SOE has said will be in this game and what I personally know so far. H1Z1 does take a LOT of influence from DayZ and RUST. H1Z1 is said to run on Planetside 2's system which will allow around 2000 players to be on a map at time and the zombies will have "Emergent AI" which will make them unpredictable, also they will wander the world, congregate, react to and follow sounds. I have to say i hope the zombies are a big threat, I mean yes, the players or humans per say will always be the biggest threat, but zombies should be deadly, and you should pay hugely if a zombie bites or scratches you. I mean, if you say a zombie coming just like in the walking dead, zombies just walk around mindlessly, it's usually the zombies you don't see that do the most damage. That's my two cent on the Zombie's AI system, sounds like it won't disappoint. Another cool thing is the world is completely destructible "on a massive scale". There will also be a pretty deep crafting system, you have complete freedom. From what I heard, if you want to be a farmer, you CAN be a farmer. So maybe being a medic or doctor shouldn't be out of the question either, huh? In my opinion what could make this game better and different from DayZ is the fact that SOE has a way bigger budget...and systems to work with, like Planetside 2 and Everquest's system. So I'm excited. If you've played any of SOE's games they don't disappoint and they last long.  Some would say DC Universe is slacking, but I think it's doing fine for it's 3rd year. Anyway, that's about it. What do you guys think? Let me know, can't wait to play this game. Unfortunately there isn't any videos of actual game play, just video streams of an incomplete game. Hopefully I'll see some of you there. I'd keep an eye out for H1Z1.

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