Wednesday, November 13, 2013

PlayStation & Xbox One releases!

It's almost here guys. The PlayStation 4 is released in two days starting at $399.99 and then the Xbox One is released next week starting $499.99. IGN already has reviews for I think about 6 or 7 PS4 games already. None of them make me want to buy the PS4 at released, the "at-lunch" titles look boring as heck to be honest. I can say the same for Xbox One, only thing it has going for it in MY OPINION in TitanFall, Forza(If you're into that) and The Witcher. The other titles look weak, I'm not sure if TitanFall is an at lunch title. The PS4 will play CAN play games at 1080p and the Xbox plays 720p. The difference in my view is the coloring is a lot richer, there's less "bloom" and that's about it. I hate to be "that guy" but PC blows consoles out of the water. I only WANT a console for the exclusives. I plan to get TitanFall for PC. So what system and games are you excited about? Let me know.

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