Friday, January 17, 2014



Another Elsword update, really big update too. First, mounts are finally being introduced to to NA Elsword. Upon log-in you'll be given a temporary mount. You can buy mounts permanently or for 30 days in the Game's Cash Shop. New stages were added to the Sander Map and the level cap was raised to 67. We're slowly catching up to KR. Elesis and Yama Raja are the next big updates. I can't wait for Elesis. If you're looking for some game to play with friends, and I mean with friends, Elsword is the place. That's not to say, you can't have fun alone, there are guilds, and parties, sparring rooms(sometimes they're more along the lines of chat rooms.) Check it out! If you decide to play, add me:IGN: SamuraiIsamu, IIsamu,RuneIsamu, SoulIsamu.

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