Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Elsword Korea - Add Release & Psychic Tracer. Elsword NA - Ara Release

Add is being released in Korea in 2 days and his new class PRIcon.pngPsychic Tracer has been revealed.


Uses aerial combos, counterpart of Code:Exotic also has special Awakening mode that gives him access to more moves. (Taken From ElWiki.Net) 


After his continuous research on the El, Add succeeds in inventing an object calledNasod Armor that can change its physical appearance according to Add's will. There were some unknown variables, but experiment was a success. Add becomes enchanted by the Nasod Armor's ability to expand just on thought, and its capability to ignore the laws of physics. He continues his experiments to improve his ultimate invention. (Taken From Elwiki)

Elsword-Logo.pngI'm looking forward to using add in NA in 2020, lol. (It won't REALLY take that long.) And for Ara is coming pretty soon to NA TOMORROW, with Ara 1-1.PNGand Ara 1-2.PNG
 coming a bit later. Everyone excited? I know I am. I'll see you all in game. Feel free to add me IGN: SamuraiIsamu or RuneIsamu. Special Thanks to ElWiki for up to-date information.

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