Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Battle Of Z

A New DBZ game has been announced "Battle Of Z". This game has some of the biggest maps out of all the DBZ's apparently. You can customize your favorite Z fighter or villian to your fighting style, you can also change their outfits. For example turning Goku's out from Orange and Blue to to Orange and Black. The game does NOT feature ANY of the GT characters it will have up to SSJ3 and then Sayian God(Goku) and Bills. If you're saying "What is a SSJ God!?" Or "Who is Bills!?". Well there was a new DBZ movie released that I haven't seen myself. The gameplay looks ULTRA simplified, it looks like one attack button and another button to "chase". Because of the gameplay and lack of some of my favorite characters, I'm not gonna picking up this game so far. Tenkaichi 1,2 and 3 had the best and challenging game play, in my opinion and a lot of  others. I will keep an eye out for this game.

Monday, October 21, 2013

The Walking Dead: Season 4

The Walking Dead season 4 has started back up and we're two episodes into the season. In my opinion...The Walking Dead is GREAT TV show. Already things are getting pretty bad...it looks like they're about to lose the prison. There is a flu going around and the council thinks they've been exposed. It's getting...tense. At the end of the new episode, Rick gives Carl his gun back. Rick is already looking very stressed from the attack on D Block in the prison. Patrick died and feed on a person over night, quickly spread through the D Block. The show is starting off pretty good. I hope it stays this way through the entire 16 episodes. If you haven't already, I suggest watching this show. It's pretty fun. Good does of action, drama and some horror. Check this show out, it's on Netflix and like everything else you can stream the ep's on the internet.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Valkyrie CZ-27

I think I found the laptop I want to get very soon. It has the specs I need in a laptop. Now, it's a bit heavy and the battery life is short, but I just like the fact that I'll be able to take my computer whereever I am no matter how heavy. I can put it in a extra bag when I go out if I have too, I'm aware that the power brick is heavy as well. I looked at the Razor Blade and while it may be thin, this laptop cost a LOT less, and has everything i need as a gamer, muscian and when I have to use photoshop to process pictures, this baby can do it all. The only problem IS...I hear that a lot of people who bought desktops from IBuyPower got broken desktops.(They've should have just built there own desktop. Less Money.) I'm still going to try and take my chances. Any tips or any suggestions on other laptops? It'd be hopeful.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Gaming Laptop

Alright, so my laptop and desktop are crappy. The specs are pretty low, and the next gen systems are coming out. I'm also a musician and I use pro tools. So a high-end laptop is kinda what I'm looking for. I looked at Alienware m17x(or however) that goes, and I know how to use the actual computer. I'm clueless about what's on the inside of the computer, or how to build my own desktop. I want a gaming laptop that will allow me the newst games like BattleField 4 on Ultra and when TitanFall is relased, I want to max that out on the visuals. Then I looked at the Razor Blade gaming laptop, super thin, super power, all for the price of $2,000...hmm, it doesn't look to bad. But I know the alienware I was looking at ordering from Dell was stronger. Now I'm looking at Digital Storm laptops, the "Viper" I'm looking at is around $1,982.00. Not to much less, they say the service they provide is top notch, everything is tested before it's shipped to you. Any suggestions. just DO NOT tell me get any macbooks...Lol.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Rift is an MMORPG with ads almost everywhere. I've heard LOTS of good things about it. So last night because I went to sleep early and had NOTHING to do because my girlfriend was sleeping and nothing happens in my house at 12am. I decided to grab my laptop and try out Rift. The only MMO I've been playing and putting time into was DC Universe Online. I need a breath of fresh air. I gotta say, Rift already has me hooked, and I'm only 10 levels in.(Not aware of the Level Cap). I made my toon as a High-Elf Ranger(That's usually my thing. Elf's and Archers.) The game's classes are so in-depth, you aren't limited to just ONE tree, with one class comes I believe about 2-3 trees, so you can have mix it up. The Raids look awesome, the graphics are AMAZING.(I played the game on ultra settings.) I highly suggest checking this game out. PvP Video will be below, enjoy.

Tom Clany's: The Divison

The Divison is a open world 3rd person shooter MMO for PS4 and Xbox One. The Game looks AMAZING first of all. It has what you would expect from a Tom Clancy game. The shooting/aiming and moment look incredibly smooth. Thee voice chatting is clear(In The Gameplay video, anyway). From ducking behind cards, shooting at a guy above you, it all works so smooth and well with the world around you. There is no release date as far I know, I am aware that is will be released on PS4 and Xbox One. I'm definitely going to keep an eye out for this game. Gameplay video below, enjoy.
R.I.P Tom Clancy. You will missed as an Author and remembered by Gamers everywhere.

AionOnline 4.0 Gameplay w/Commentary

Okay, so, I finally got to playing Aion Online. The video was successful (YES!) Aside from the quality of the actual video, having Camtasia show up in the middle of the video(Which could have easily been clipped out.) I am still learning how to use the program. Now, about the game...I didn't find it very interesting. The beginning isn't to much of a grind, you actually level at pretty fast pace. I actually decided to play a bit longer then I showed in the video and got to level 9 before quitting and going to do a 8 man raid in DC Universe Online. The combat didn't suck, it just didn't appeal to me. It was really classic MMO to me. I want to get further in and see what the middle game as to offer. I am thinking of making more gameplay and commentary videos in the future, because they are FUN. If you're new to MMO's or looking for another game to play, I really don't suggest Aion 4.0 so far. There are just so many FAR better MMORPG's then Aion. Eden Eternal, Tera Rising, Rift just to name a few. I highly suggest trying out DCUO you get started on the fun content in just 2 days or maybe 4 days if you play casually. Rift is another good MMO, pretty fun so far. Check em out.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aion Online:PlayThrough

Tonight I plan to play through Aion Online and do a commentary video of me getting a few levels. I want to do two videos of me playing through, then another of me playing with the Ranger Class. All of Aion Online's classes look fun. I LOVE the way they did Ranger, Jump Shots, Having To Buy Arrow and Trap supply, it brings realism. The base classes for Aion are Scout, Warrior, Mage, Priest, Muse and Technician. The game's combat system looks AWESOME, but I've seeing over the Internet and I hear it's a boring grindfest and the combat gets boring. The Aerial Combat looks awesome, the fights look smooth and FUN.(PvP) I plan to make to my Scout tonight and play for myself. I'll be recording my play through. I'm looking forward to it. Stay Tuned~